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Saturday 4 February 2012

My New Job

Yesterday I went supermarket shopping for the first time in three months. I used to have people who did it for me but ever since the bunch of frauds from the ‘Help for the Disabled Foundation’ found out I wasn’t really a 95 year old veteran who lost both his legs in the War they haven’t been delivering my groceries. How rude! Anyway, since I had no money and was barely managing to survive on the desecrated rodents Mr.McNugget managed to catch from under the house, I decided I had better get a job. I applied for numerous jobs that I thought I was well suited to- Town Mayor, Basketball Player, Male Model... Alas, I ended up being roped into the only job I could ever hate. I now work at the ’Happy Rainbows Day-care centre’ just down the road from where I live. I have to spend eight hours a day changing diapers and wiping snotty noses just so I can make ends meet. If it weren’t for the fact that I actually have to eat to survive (something I find very inconvenient) I would be running those little shits toerags down in the silly pink automobile that I am now forced to drive around (for work purposes that I really don’t understand). I HATE KIDS!!!

I look like Barbie's grandfather. How embarrassing!
Peace out!

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