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Friday 21 October 2011

Mrs Harper (In Memoriam)

Dear old Mrs Harper was found unconscious in her house this morning. It seems that she was actually eating the apple crumble that I was lacing with rat poison, razor blades and laxatives, and even though the poison I was using is generally unharmful in small doses, the frequency of her consuming it caused the pathways to her brain to stop responding causing a small but damaging miscommunication to her brain, which caused a flaw in her sighting. Or something. The good news is that she underwent brain surgery and was fine within a few hours. But on the way back to her house she was hit by a bus.
R.I.P Mrs Harper. I always loved you. (Even though I always said I hated you, I didn't really mean it, you know that right? Just a bit of a laugh?)
Anyway, I wonder if the new episode of Ghost Whisperer is on TV.

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