
Why hello thar! Make yourself at home :)

Tuesday 30 August 2011

More Fan Art (ugh)

Well, I'm appalled really. The man who sent this in was 68 years old. But Mr.McNugget made me put it on, he thinks he looks "Rad".
Just Saying:)xoxoxoxo

Sunday 28 August 2011

Mr.McNugget is naughty

That blasted cat! I leave him alone for one month while I make my movie and what does he do? He goes and gets another makeover without me authorising it. While I was gone he managed to get into my hair dye kit and his fur is now green. I'm so angry because I was specially saving that colour for when I feel like being a broccoli. That naughty little blighter! I suppose he thinks he looks cool. Now I have to get another makeover so that we match (yes that does mean I'm going to dye my hair-or what's left of it- green).
If you have never seen a green cat before I warn you now- it is not pretty. Those of you with weak constitutions may want to look away:

Wednesday 24 August 2011

ComplainativeBastard Movie

Yes that's right. The reason I haven't been blogging as much lately is because I've been busy making a movie all about myself. It was going to be so awesome but, sadly, it did not make it to the box office. Something about there being too much swearing and abusive content. Anyway, we decided to remake it (at great expense) but that didn't go according to plan either because no one would do their job properly. They kept saying that I don't pay them enough (I really don't see what their problem is because I don't pay them at all!) and they say I complain too much (pfft, as if. I wish they would have just shut up and done their jobs). So because of their lack of tolerance for my profession (seriously, complaining is an art that is yet to be recognised) I had to fire them all! Left broke and without a movie crew, I had to call it quits :(
Sadly I can't show anyone the original movie because it is illegal in most countries. But Mr.McNugget took some photos:

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Avocados are evil

Just look at it!

Okay, okay, I know. It's weird.
Wiki-wiki word, fresh!

New Zealands Next Top Model

I was not watching it last night or anything like that but I can't believe that Tyne was eliminated. Like OMG she was my favourite model. Not that I follow Top Model or anything. But her incredible knack for Complaining totally won me over. I mean, that girl could complain about anything, from haircuts to people stealing her seat. She's awesome. Not that I watch Top Model... er... Mr.McNugget turned it on...yeah, it was Mr.McNugget, he likes to watch things like that.
Just Saying :)xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Sunday 7 August 2011

The how well do you know ComplainativeBastard quiz

1. what is his favourite colour?
2. what is his pet dogs name?
3. what is his favourite activity?
4. who is his least favourite person in the world?
5. where does he like to holiday?
6. what brand of undergarments does he wear?
7. what is the pattern on his favourite pair of socks?
8. can he dance?
9. what is his ex-wife's name?
10. what is the name of the fat man he sat next to on the plane?
11. who is not his favourite rap artist?
12. who hates swimming?
13. describe ComplainativeBastard in 3 words:
14. does he eat lemons?
15. what makes him laugh?
16. what is his favourite TV programme?
17. what is his most recent catch phrase?
18. who is ComplainativeBastards sworn enemy?
19. what does he do for a living?
20. is this a trick question?

ANSWERS: 1.grey 2.does not have a pet dog 3.complaining 4.ComplainativeMan who always trys to copy ComplainativeBastard 5.los vegas 6.what underwear? 7.stripes with christmas bells that jingle merrily 8.no, but every day he is shuffling... but not very well 9.Fanny-Lulu Figglestein aka (WingeingWench) 10.Mo Lester 11.Wayne King 12.Mr. McNugget 13.com, plain and ative 14.heck no! 15.nothing 16.Jersey Shore 17. wicky wicky wanc, spanc! 18.ComplainativeMan 19.complain 20. heck no, is this a trick answer? 21. yes