
Why hello thar! Make yourself at home :)

Sunday 31 July 2011


I don't really like Lemons. They are just so yellow and happy looking on the outside, but on the inside they are sour, hateful little fruits! Kind of like me, hmmm...

Fat bas- er... people

Welcome back to my blog. As you may have noticed I haven't been blogging much these last weeks. That is because Mr McNugget and I have been on holiday. And may I just say... My holiday was a complete disaster! It started on the aeroplane (we were flying to my favourite city in the world, Los Vegas) and I was randomly seated next to... A Fatty! It. Was. Horrible. I literally had NO room. I practically had to sit in the aisle! So I decided to cut the trip short and I grabbed Mr. McNugget and a parachute and jumped off that fatty filled plane!
Sadly I landed in the middle of the Pacific ocean and it took two weeks to get home. That was my holiday.

Just Saying :)xoxoxoxoxoxo

Thursday 7 July 2011

Complainative Nugget

Some person told me to "Cut the head off my favourite pet, and stick it on my body." I was like, WTF? But I did it anyway:

I know, I know. Disturbing right?

Wednesday 6 July 2011


Oh ha ha, very funny Mr. McNugget. It seems he has hacked my blog. Please ignore the previous blog post about wanting to look like Lady GaGa.
...Now it's time to put Mr. McNugget in time out.

Sunday 3 July 2011


I wish I looked like this:

Mr. McNugget's new look -version II (that's roman numerals for 2)

Mr McNugget has had another makeover!! Wow, doesn't he look stylish! All the girl cats will be after him when they get a look at him! Daaaamn! Wiki wiki word, fresh!

He looks totally babin'! (That's my new word, babin!)