
Why hello thar! Make yourself at home :)

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Hearing Aid

I have been told that I have a nasty habit of over-sharing in my blog posts. Its probably true but I'm going to completely disregard my mothers advice about keeping things to myself and tell you anyway.Yesterday I went to the Doctor for my annual health check up. I don't usually do this as I have hated doctors ever since the prostate exam incident of 1998. Anyhow, you'll be pleased to know that everything is in perfect working order. Well everything except for my hearing, apparently. When my check up was complete the Doctor said to me "Everything seems to be in order." After he said this I punched him in the face thinking he had said "I want to f*** your daughter." (I don't have a daughter but still, it sounded offencive). Needless to say, after I'd apologised many times (well once, but who's counting?) I was diagnosed with impaired hearing. I now have to wear a stupid hearing aid. At first I was embarrassed about it but then, as I was walking around town, I noticed that many young kids are also wearing hearing aids these days. It's nice to know that I'm part of a popular youth trend.

My hearing aid is similar to this kid's:

Sunday 20 May 2012

Mr.McNugget's Redecorating Disaster

This morning I woke up to find that Mr.McNugget had taken it upon himself to redecorate the house. Nuff said.